Legal notice

Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.

Rue Albert Borschette 8

Tel.: +352 691 221 128

Represented by the directors of the management company

Mr Dirk Holz
Ms Desiree Eklund
Mr Detlef Koppenhagen
Mr Tim Buchwald

Registered in the commercial register

R.C.S. Luxembourg, Section B No. 189.252

ID TVA: LU 27518182

Competent supervisory authority

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
283, route d’Arlon
1150 Luxembourg

Responsible for the content of this website

Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.

Rue Albert Borschette 8


Target audience

The information on these web pages is intended exclusively for use by persons with their registered office and residence in the Federal Republic of Germany. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. does not warrant that the information is suitable or applicable for use by persons residing or sojourning in other countries or that the information is in accordance with the laws of those countries.

No advice or contract offer

Use of the website does not constitute a consulting or information agreement between the user and Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. The information provided, including the results of the calculation options provided (e.g. ROI calculator) do not constitute individual advice nor an offer to conclude a contract and cannot replace a consultation tailored to the specific needs of the individual. An investment decision can only be made on the basis of the information in the statutory sales documents (annual report, half-yearly report, basic information sheet and information memorandum) and should be made after obtaining comprehensive advice from a financial adviser and a tax consultant.

Limitation of liability

Liability for content
Despite carefully compiling the retrievable content, Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. assumes no liability for its completeness, correctness, accuracy and availability. Where content is provided by third parties, Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. may not share their view. Estimates and valuations reflect the opinion of the respective author and may have changed since the content was drafted. The facts presented in connection with product information are for illustration purposes only and cannot be used to make any statements concerning future performance. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. accepts no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of the information provided. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. reserves the right to change, supplement or delete the information provided without notice.

Liability for links

Insofar as these websites refer directly or indirectly to third-party websites by means of links, Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. assumes no liability for the content of these pages. No illegal content was identified on the corresponding linked pages before the link was created. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. has no influence over the current and future content of the linked pages and hereby expressly distances itself from any content that was modified after the link was created. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. does not take ownership of opinions or statements of fact published there by placing a link, unless otherwise expressly stated regarding the link. Furthermore, Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. assumes no responsibility for the content of websites from which links are made to the website of Commerz Real.

Exclusion of liability
The liability of Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. for material or immaterial damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. The exclusion of liability does not apply in the case of intentional or grossly negligent breaches of duty or in the case of damages resulting from harm to life, limb or health, which are based on an intentional or negligent breach of duty by Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. Any fault on the part of a vicarious agent of Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. is equivalent to fault on the part of Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.

Copyright and trademark law

The content and structure of the website is protected by copyright and, if applicable, by other intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, distribution, modification or use of model contracts, graphics, image material, texts, audio or video sequences, in particular in other electronic or printed publications, even as excerpts, is not permitted without the prior written consent of Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. Downloads and copies of the information provided are only permitted for private use, not for commercial purposes. The content of this website is subject in part to the copyright of third parties.

Validity clause and applicable law

This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the website from which you were referred. The disclaimer applies correspondingly to any liability of Commerz Real AG and its subsidiaries and investment companies in connection with the websites. If parts or individual wordings do not, no longer or not fully reflect the applicable legal situation, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the disclaimer remain unaffected.

All legal disputes arising from or in connection with this website are subject exclusively to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Note on the European Online Dispute Resolution platform

The European Commission has established a European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform at The ODR platform can be used by consumers for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online contracts with a company established in the EU. The following e-mail can be entered as our contact address: The platform itself is not a dispute resolution body, but merely provides the parties with contact to a competent national arbitration body.

Legal information

Exercise of shareholder and creditor rights

Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. (CRFM) exercises the voting rights arising from the klimaVest ELTIF it manages exclusively in the interests of investors in the klimaVest ELTIF and the integrity of the market, regardless of the interests of third parties. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. supports all measures that sustainably raise the value of the shares of the klimaVest ELTIF in the long term and votes against those that are not in line with this goal. The key decision-making criterion for the exercise of voting rights by Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. is therefore the interests of investors in klimaVest ELTIF and the integrity of the market, regardless of the interests of third parties.

Voting rights are generally exercised by Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. itself. Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.'s procedure for voting on the business units dealt with in the agenda items is based on the criteria of a transparent and sustainable corporate governance policy. In this process, the voting procedure is primarily characterised by the following principles:

  1. Strengthening shareholder or creditor rights: Each individual share should, in principle, carry the same voting right.
  2. Supervisory Board: Supervisory Board members should be competent and independent and not subject to any conflicts of interest.
  3. Appropriate remuneration structures: The remuneration of the management bodies should be transparent and based on the long-term development of the company.
  4. Objectivity of auditors: Auditors charged with reviewing the financial statements must be transparent and appropriate, regardless of the company being audited and the remuneration for doing so.
  5. Company transparency: Reporting should ensure the greatest possible transparency of the business situation and development.
  6. Dividend policy: Dividends should be commensurate with the company’s financial performance and appropriate to the industry.

Whistleblowing system

In its corporate values, the Commerz Real Group is committed to acting with integrity when interacting with each other and with its customers. We are therefore strongly committed to both preventing and punishing misconduct. This also means that we are open to reports that lead to the investigation of economic criminal acts and violations of legal, regulatory or internal requirements in connection with the Commerz Real Group.

In addition to the usual contact channels, such as the Compliance or Audit departments, the Commerz Real Group has set up a Business Keeper Monitoring System (BKMS system), a platform which customers, employees and third parties can use to provide information to the Commerz Real Group online.

If you would like to report suspected wrongdoing via this system, you can do so either by providing your name or you can submit a report anonymously. However, as we seek open communication with customers, employees and third parties, we encourage you to use your name when making reports. Whichever option you choose, we will treat your information as strictly confidential and will take into account the legitimate interests of all parties involved to the extent permissible by law.

Please create a mailbox in the BKMS system so that we can contact you if any questions arise or to add further information to your report at a later date. Communication via the mailbox can also be anonymous, if desired.

The purpose of the system is exclusively to draw attention to suspected economic criminal acts, violations of the law and violations of regulatory or internal requirements in the Commerz Real Group. Misuse for other purposes may constitute a criminal offence.

Report suspected wrongdoing

Complaints management and dispute resolution

Information on complaints management and dispute resolution

Dear investor,

The satisfaction of our customers is of prime importance to us. Our goal is to offer a high standard of quality and the best possible service for our customers. If you are not satisfied with our service, please let us know by providing your contact details (name, address, telephone number or e-mail address). Various contact options are available to you for this purpose:

Complaints can be submitted on the following website:

Alternatively, you can submit your complaint in writing to the following address:

Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.

Rue Albert Borschette 8

Depending on your wishes, the business language for your request is generally German or English or the official language of the country in which a fund underlying the complaint is distributed.

Your complaint will be forwarded to an employee responsible for complaint management as soon as it is received, who will record it and ensure that your complaint is processed promptly.

You will receive a written confirmation of receipt of your complaint within ten working days, unless a reply has already been sent within this period.

Received complaints are analysed and processed with the support of the respective specialist department. A reply will be sent within one month of receipt of your complaint. If it becomes apparent that the processing will take longer, you will receive an interim notification that will inform you of the reasons for the delay and the expected processing time for your complaint. 

If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is handled, you can contact the Board of Management of Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. in writing at the above address. Our aim is to provide a swift resolution to any issues and to find satisfactory solutions. This service is, of course, free of charge.

Your Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.
Information on consumer arbitration bodies:
Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. is regulated by the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ("CSSF"). The CSSF is responsible for handling certain customer complaints against the entities it supervises. For this purpose, the CSSF acts as an intermediary with the aim of obtaining out-of-court settlement of disputes between the complainant and the company. In its role as an out-of-court dispute settlement body, the CSSF acts in accordance with the European provisions on out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes implemented in national Luxembourg law and introduced into the Consumer Protection Act in 2016, and further specified by CSSF Regulation no. 16 – 07 on out-of-court settlement of complaints.  

A prerequisite for the opening of proceedings for the out-of-court settlement of complaints before the CSSF is the prior notification of the complaint to Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. and the absence of a confirmation of receipt or the receipt of an unsatisfactory statement by Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. . Unless an unsatisfactory statement has already been made, the CSSF application may be made to the CSSF at the earliest one month after the complaint has been sent to Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l. and at the latest within one year of the complaint being submitted to Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l.

The complaint must be sent in written form (e.g. by letter, fax or e-mail) to:

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Département Juridique Protection des consommateurs/Criminalité financière (JUR-CC)
283, route d’Arlon L-2991 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 26 25 1 - 2574
Tel.: +352 26 25 1 - 2904
Fax: +352 26 25 1 – 2601

The application can also be made via the CSSF website.
An application form is available on the CSSF website ( 

Further information on the course of the proceedings can be found in CSSF Regulation no. 16 – 07 on out-of-court settlements of complaints.

Please understand that we do not participate in the conciliation proceedings of other conciliation bodies.