Doing more together Our membership of the Federal Impact Investing Initiative
25.11.2020 • 2 Reading Time
With klimaVest – our impact fund for retail investors – we are contributing to creating more sustainable living environments and are following our aspiration to take responsibility. The fund, which aims to include a high share of tangible assets, brings together private investment capital and our expertise in renewable energy: klimaVest combines asset investment with measurable CO₂ savings by focusing primarily on attractive assets from sustainable infrastructure projects – for example in the areas of onshore and offshore wind farms or photovoltaics.
The “impact” therefore results from the influence the investment has on specific questions: How does investing in the environment help, how does it benefit society? The benefit of a wind farm, for example, is that it increases the proportion of green electricity in the electricity grid and paves the way to a zero-emission energy economy.
We know that the fund has the potential to write history for Commerz Real. But we also know that if we really want to tackle climate change, the economy, society and politics must work together on the social and environmental challenges. Only together can we find sustainable solutions and make the best possible use of synergies.
An important building block for this is the Federal Impact Investing Initiative, which we as a member therefore actively support.
About the initiative
By establishing the impact investing ecosystem in Germany, the Federal Impact Investing Initiative aims to provide conditions for additional capital to be used to address social and environmental challenges. It focuses on four key areas:
Dissemination of the impact investing approach and one for the social impact of investment capital.
Strengthening and promoting collaboration between different stakeholders in impact investing.
Framework conditions
Promotion of favourable political and legal framework conditions for impact investing in Germany.
The development and dissemination of uniform methods and standards, in particular with regard to impact measurement.